


Update the application server

The following software has to be installed/updated on the application server before an update of the eRecruiter is being performed:
  1. IIS Modules: URL Rewrite and Application Request Routing
  2. .NET Core 3.1 (in case the Core Module is being used) 
  3. .NET Framework 4.7.2 (or higher)
  4. For the CVParser the URL  https://erpl-production-media.ee-erecruiter.cloud  must be unlocked for the eR backend, API and CustomerPortal  
  5. To ensure full functionality the eRecruiter should have permanent internet access.

Update announcement

Because the update process takes some time the update window should be communicated to the eR-users. Normally a time window of about 2-3 hours  should be expected. The actual duration depends on the experience with the eRecruiter update-procedure and the actual version. Furthermore, users should be informed about changes in the new eRecruiter versions, these can be found in the eR-newsletters. 

Prepare the update

The link for installation package download will be provided by the eRecruiter consultant or support upon request as it will ensure that the correct version is available including any customizations for the installation.

Windows Security
If the download is performed through Microsoft Internet Explorer, the browser will mark the ZIP package as downloaded from the internet. This will require to unblock the file to ensure the application will work properly after unzipping the package.

After unblocking the file the content of the package should be checked for completeness. It should include the following folders and files (there may be a base folder called eRecruiter in the package):
  1. API
  2. ApplicantPortal
  3. Core
  4. CronWorker
  5. CustomerPortal / CompanyPortal
  6. eRecruiter
  7. MediaService
  8. RecruitingAgencyPortal
  9. CockpitService (new from v2.61 upwards)
  10. CockpitWebApp (new from v2.61 upwards)
  11. Version-file

Performing the update

Disabling eRecruiter installation

To perform a smooth update the eRecruiter and all components must be disabled. Therefore the IIS and the eRecruiter Media Service must be stopped (on both servers, if applicable), this is done by the following 2 PowerShell commands or under 'Services' and stopping the AppPools in the IIS:
Stop eR-App-Pools in IIS
Stop-Service W3SVC
Stop-Service eR-MediaService
Backup the installation when the eRecruiter and the ApplicantPortal are stopped by zipping the Bin-folders on both servers (if applicable) and depositing the zip files to a dedicated folder.

System backup 

Before upgrading to a new eRecruiter version a backup of the system (database and binary installation) should be carried out, since it is not possible to undo the upgrade using the installation routine. Before backing up the system should be taken offline, so no changes to the eRecruiter or the database are performed after the backup (see chapter 'Disabling eRecruiter Installation). 
On some installation servers a automatic routine for the database backup is run on a regular basis, so this task can then be skipped here.

Delete existing application files

Before the new application files can be copied from the update package to the server, all existing application files need to be deleted. For a pure overwriting the application files might result in version conflicts. Check that the backup has been carried out and is available. 
Erase the content (with the ecxeption of AppSettings.config und ConnectionsStrings.config - they include server-specific settings, which can not be recovered from the update package) of each affected application directory on the server but not the directories themselves , otherwise security or IIS settings are lost. All other files and subdirectories can be deleted.
The following list shows which files/folders to keep for each main folder:

App_Data Folder

Core: (if applicable)



ReverseProxy config (only applicable if Angular is enabled - possible from v2.61 upwards)

CockpitService: (only applicable if Angular is enabled - possible from v2.61 upwards)

CockpitWebApp:  (only applicable if Angular is enabled - possible from v2.61 upwards)

RecruitingAgencyPortal: (if applicable)

Log Folder
Temp Folder

Copy new application files

From the update package, the application files now need to be copied into the associated application directories.
If there were manual changes in any application (for example proxy-setting entries in the Web.config file), these must be manually inserted after copying the new files.  In case of uncertainty compare web.config and appsettings files between installed version and the one in the update-package.
From v2.61 upwards, 2 new folders are part of the installation package:
These have to be copied to the eR-installation on the application-server into the bin folder once. They are needed for enabling the angular app, which is a requirement for new features like 'Multiposting'. A description for installing the Angular app will follow soon. 
Once these 2 folders have been copied to the server , they have to be processed like the other folders as described in chapter 'Delete existing application files' above and must not be deleted further on .   

Restart eRecruiter installation

The eRecruiter Media Service and the IIS must be started after the update, this can be done by the following 2 PowerShell commands or in Services and starting the AppPools on the IIS:
Start-Service eR-MediaService
Start-Service eR-FileServer
On the IIS keep the ApplicantPortal Site turned off, until successfully testing of the eR application

Database migration

When opening the eRecruiter URL in a browser, the database is automatically checked and necessary migrations are automatically carried out - this can take up to 30 minutes to complete.
The database migration starts automatically after openening the eRecruiter-URL, showing the migration message 
If the database migration does not start automatically it can be triggered manually by opening ' eRecruiter-URL /MigrateDatabase.aspx' in the browser


After the update process has finished, the eRecruiter application should be tested to ensure full functionality.
  1. Open the eRecruiter application in the browser and login.
    1. Perform simple navigation through the application.
    2. Create a PDF from the workspace page by clicking the cog icon and selecting the option. 
  2. Open the eRecruiter Customer Portal application in the browser, navigate through it  
  3. Open the eRecruiter API application in the browser, check if it is running
  4. Open a Job in the eR and check the view of the advertisement
  5. Test the CVParser in the eR (if applicable) by adding a test-applicant with the extraction-option
  6. After ~ 1/2 hour check the cronworker logs, if quarterhourly tasks have been performed
Only when these tests were successful, start the applicant portal in the IIS and perform testing there:
  1. Open the eRecruiter Applicant Portal application in the browser.
    1. Open a job ad and verify the content of the page.
    2. Try to apply to a job ad with and without CVParser (if applicable)


When all tests were successful, clean up the folders on the servers, store the backups and the zipped installation packages in dedicated folders
Inform the users about the successful update

Breaking Changes   

Document Parsing: For this service a connection from your eRecruiter Backend, API and CustomerPortal to https://erpl-production-media.ee-erecruiter.cloud has to be established.
2 new Folders in Update Package: CockpitService and CockpitWebApp
Update to .NET Core 3.1
Update to Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.2
Document Parsing: For this service a connection from your eRecruiter Backend, API and CustomerPortal to https://media.erecruiter.org has to be established.
Installation of additional IIS Modules:

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