Company Import

Company Import

The company import is available through a wizard in the eRecruiter backend (.../Modules/Import/Companies) if you have the permissions to import data.

General data structure

  1. One account has many locations.
  2. One location can have none, one or more contacts.
  3. A contact must be assigned to one location.


The input file must be a tab-separated ("\t") Textfile in UTF8 format. The rows are separated by new line and the columns are separated by tab. You can generate the input file with e.g. Microsoft Excel => Export => Change file type (*.csv). The first row must have the name of the columns to be able to map the columns to the appropriate account properties.
The import allows one column to have a multiline value. The multiline value should be separated by usual CR, LF (\n\r) characters and must be enclosed in quotation marks ("). Microsoft Excel generates this format automatically when exporting to an Tab-separated value (TSV) file.

Not supported characters

The quotation mark (") is not allowed in a value, because it encloses column values with multiline values.

Required fields

The import file must contain the column CompanyName. If a location should be imported the columns LocationStreet, LocationZipCode and are necessary LocationCity. If a contact should be imported the columns ContactFirstName and ContactFirstName must be provided.

Possible columns

Internal name
Description / Possible values
Company data
must never be empty. If empty company is ignored.
Custom Field
Only custom fields with target "Account" are possible to import.
Company location data
Street and street number / If not provided the location is ignored. Used as identity column.
If not provided the location is ignored. Used as identity column.
If not provided the location is ignored. Used as identity column.
Contact data


male: "H", "M", "Herr", "Mr.", "1", "Mann" / female: anything else

If not provided the contact is ignored.


If not provided the contact is ignored.



Used as identity column

Used as identity column

The username of the contact for the account portal. 

The password of the contact for the account portal.

Matching of columns

The column names in the first row (header row) of the input file are compared with the internal names or the names (see the table above) and are preselected in the wizard's dropdowns if any match was found.


There is an automatic duplicate check during the importing process. Duplicate companies, locations or contacts will not be created; also existing information will never be overwritten, but missing information will be added to existing companies, locations or contacts when it exists in the import file.


When importing a company a history entry with type "Create" and subject "Company created" is created.

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