IIS Configuration

IIS Configuration

This section explains the configuration of IIS for the eRecruiter ASP.NET applications.

IIS Additional Modules

The following Modules need to be installed:
  1. URL Rewrite (https://www.iis.net/downloads/microsoft/url-rewrite)
  2. Application Request Routing (https://www.iis.net/downloads/microsoft/application-request-routing)

Feature Delegation

The IIS feature delegations of Windows Authentication, Form Authentication and Anonymous Authentication must be set to Read/Write.

Application Pool

The application pools can either be created through the IIS Manager or with the Windows PowerShell tools for IIS. The following application pools should be created - this list may vary by the actually installed applications:
  1. eRecruiter
  2. eRecruiter-API
  3. eRecruiter-Applicant-Portal
  4. eRecruiter-Customer-Portal
The application pools should be created with the following options:
  1. ASP.NET Applications
    1. .NET CLR Version: 4.0
    2. Managed Pipeline Mode: Integrated
  2. ASP.NET Core applications and JavaScript web applications
    1. No Managed Code
  3. Advanced Settings
    1. Identity should be set to the actual eRecruiter application user that was created in an earlier step of the installation manual.
    2. Idle Time-out (minutes): 360
    3. Idle Time-out Action: Suspend
  4. Recycling
    1. All options need to be disabled.
It is recommended to delete all other application pools that are not used for security and performance reasons.

Application Sites

After creating the application pools the actual application sites need to be created. The following application sites should be created - this list may vary by the actually installed applications:
  1. eRecruiter
    1. Application Pool: eRecruiter
    2. Site Root: <ER_INSTALL_DIR>\bin\eRecruiter
    3. Log Directory: <ER_INSTALL_DIR>\logs\eRecruiter
  2. eRecruiter-API
    1. Application Pool: eRecruiter-API
    2. Site Root: <ER_INSTALL_DIR>\bin\API
    3. Log Directory: <ER_INSTALL_DIR>\logs\API
  3. eRecruiter-Applicant-Portal
    1. Application Pool: eRecruiter-Applicant-Portal
    2. Site Root: <ER_INSTALL_DIR>\bin\ApplicantPortal
    3. Log Directory: <ER_INSTALL_DIR>\logs\ApplicantPortal
  4. eRecruiter-Customer-Portal
    1. Application Pool: eRecruiter-Customer-Portal
    2. Site Root: <ER_INSTALL_DIR>\bin\CustomerPortal
    3. Log Directory: <ER_INSTALL_DIR>\logs\CustomerPortal
The bindings for each application need to be configured according to the domain names that should be used by the application.

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